After working on my comics straight for about two months, I finished the last batch thinking, "OK, what now?!" Being absorbed in my comics, I didn't think about other work. Now that the comics are out of the way for the mean time, I am kinda lost.
So this past week has been catching up on illustration gigs, political cartoons, and now emptiness. My PB critique group is meeting up this Monday. So I am asking myself, "Do I continue with my eat your greens idea? Start my boys love things idea? I admit that I am not inspired currently to work on either of those ideas. I think that they're brilliant ideas, but for some reason or another, I am tired or not inspired by any visual ideas.
However, the past couple weeks I have been thinking a lot more about design and laying out a drawing. Specifically, I've been thinking about landscapes. How did Edward Hopper lay out space (saw an exhibit on him recently)? How does Bill Watterson lay out space? Patrick McDonnell? Classic illustrators?
So I started inking landscapes. Looking at pictures from calenders that I have, thinking what's the positive/negative space. I started doing this in black ink using different strokes, brushes, ways to applicate the ink making it spontaneous. I like how a couple of the results came out.
Then I wanted to do a watercolor on the sketch, then asking myself, "How much of this drawing will translate into a watercolor?" Hence the results. I am undecided how it came out. I really like it, but it seems incomplete. I will admit that I do not know how to handle the mountain background. In the picture, the mountain molds into the water through a mist. I think that they either have to go or redraw the image somehow. The white space is a beautiful organic shape, but something is missing.
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