
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Year in Review so Far

"When it rains, it pours."

This saying has been on my mind most of this year. Even though we're only a third of the way through 2015, so many changes and good things are happening already. I'm not saying that change isn't always happening, and maybe I'm only scrutinizing the past few months since I'll be hitting a landmark birthday this November. But it's worth to look into.

So what happened these past few months? As I've mentioned, I've begun a new partnership with Rodeen Literary, which was great news all by itself! My picture books are out there in the ether being considered as of this moment. The other big news that I received the past month is that I got a new job! For those that didn't know, I've been working at the same global coffee shop these past six years (not mentioning any names here). What started out as a temporary job right after school turned into my day job for a long time. It was a mixed bag of good and bad.

I won't bore anyone with details, but my tenure forced me to confront many hardships and frustrations. I felt that I was finally starting a new life that I should have started when I left school.

However, upon reflection (even in the last 1-2 years), I've realized that maybe I was here for a reason. Who knows what would've happened to my freelance career or to me as a person had I not had my first job? From my previous employment, I probably learned a lot more that I care to admit. I didn't just learn how to sling coffee. I probably learned more about my myself than any other point in my life. These past six years have molded will be my experience of my 20's, but they will shape me in the years to come.

As I begin my new job and search for a new apartment (another big change!), I continue turning a new page in what is proving to be a year full of personal change.

Lastly, a comic page from my work-in-progress graphic novel, Artie and Merlo!

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